Stuff to Do in Victoria and South Vancouver Island
Growing up in Victoria was like having the ultimate playground right at my doorstep. There was always something to do, somewhere to explore, and I never got tired of playing tourist in my own hometown. From its rich history as BC’s capital to the endless adventures tucked into its forests, beaches, and quirky corners, Victoria is the kind of place that makes you fall in love with it over and over again.
I can still remember riding my bike with my friends down the Galloping Goose Trail, backpacks loaded with snacks, heading to the Inner Harbour to watch the buskers. It felt like we were part of the energy of the city—people juggling flaming torches, musicians filling the air with acoustic sounds, and the salty breeze reminding you the ocean was right there. Those days felt endless.
When summer hit, it was all about Thetis Lake. We’d bike there, find a sunny rock to stretch out on, and spend the day swimming, catching a tan, and daring each other to jump off the cliffs (which felt way higher than they probably were). Thetis was our little slice of paradise, and no matter how many times we went, it never got old.
For the more adventurous days, we’d head further out, biking all the way to Sooke. There were always rumors about cool abandoned spots to check out, like the old ghost town of Leechtown. Exploring those places felt like stepping into another world—dusty remnants of history hidden in the forest, with just enough of a creepy vibe to make it exciting. We didn’t always know what we were looking for, but the fun was in the journey.
Victoria itself has this incredible mix of old and new. It’s a city with roots—literally, with all its massive trees and gardens—but it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Sure, it’s the capital of British Columbia, but it’s also a place where you can wander down a street and find yourself in front of a castle (hi, Craigdarroch Castle) or surrounded by peacocks in Beacon Hill Park. It’s got history, but it’s also just a really fun place to be.
Whether you’re here to dive into the local culture, relax on the beaches, or get lost on a trail like I did growing up, Victoria and the South Island have it all. It’s the kind of place where every day feels like an adventure waiting to happen—whether you’re eight years old, riding your bike with your friends, or exploring it as an adult with a fresh perspective. If you’re looking to explore further up island, check out our central Vancouver Island guide here.
And hey, if you’re here visiting, take your camera along. This place is magic, and you’re going to want to capture it. If you need help with that, well… that’s kind of my thing. 😉
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Type of Location | Name | Website | Location |
Outdoor Attraction | Abkhazi Garden | Abkhazi Garden | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Adrena LINE Zipline Adventure Tours | Adrena LINE Zipline | Sooke |
Beach | Albert Head Beach | Colwood | |
Beach | Arbutus Cove | Saanich | |
Indoor Attraction | Art Gallery of Greater Victoria | Art Gallery of Greater Victoria | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction, Indoor Attraction | BC Forest Discovery Centre | BC Forest Discovery Centre | Duncan |
Park, Outdoor Attraction | Beacon Hill Park Petting Zoo | Victoria | |
Indoor Attraction | Bear Mountain Resort | Bear Mountain Resort | Langford |
Indoor Attraction | Belfry Theatre | Victoria | |
Beach | Botanical Beach | Botanical Beach | Port Renfrew |
Park | Bright Angel Park | Duncan | |
Indoor Attraction | Bug Zoo | Victoria Bug Zoo | Victoria |
Park | Butchart Gardens | Butchart Gardens | Central Saanich |
Beach | Cadboro Bay Beach | Saanich | |
Park | Cedar Hill Park | Saanich | |
Park | Cedar Hill Recreation Trails | Saanich | |
Indoor Attraction | CFB Esquimalt Naval Museum | CFB Naval Museum | Esquimalt |
Outdoor Attraction | Cherry Hill Orchard | Victoria | |
Beach | China Beach | Sooke | |
Indoor Attraction | Christ Church Cathedral | Victoria | |
Outdoor Attraction | Church & State Wines | Brentwood Bay | |
Indoor Attraction | Church of Our Lord | Church of Our Lord | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Cineplex Odeon Westshore | Langford | |
Outdoor Attraction | Clover Point Park | Victoria | |
Beach | Clover Point Tidal Pools | Victoria | |
Park | Colquitz River Trail | Saanich | |
Indoor Attraction | Congregation Emanu-El | Congregation Emanu-El | Victoria |
Beach | Cordova Bay Beach | Saanich | |
Park | Cowichan River Provincial Park | Duncan | |
Indoor Attraction | Craigdarroch Castle | Craigdarroch Castle | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Crystal Pool and Fitness Centre | Crystal Pool and Fitness Centre | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Dallas Road Waterfront Trail | Dallas Road Waterfront Trail | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | De Vine Vineyards | Central Saanich | |
Indoor Attraction | Dominion Astrophysical Observatory | Dominion Astrophysical Observatory | Saanich |
Outdoor Attraction | Duncan Farmers' Market | Duncan Farmers' Market | Duncan |
Outdoor Attraction | Eagle Wing Whale Watching | Eagle Wing | Victoria |
Park | East Sooke Regional Park | Sooke | |
Park | Elk/Beaver Lake Regional Park | Saanich | |
Indoor Attraction | Emily Carr House | Emily Carr House | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Enrico Winery | Enrico Winery | Mill Bay |
Park | Esquimalt Gorge Park | Esquimalt | |
Beach | Esquimalt Lagoon | Colwood | |
Indoor Attraction | Fairmont Empress Hotel | Fairmont Empress Hotel | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Fan Tan Alley China Town | Victoria | |
Outdoor Attraction | Firbank Farms | Saanichton | |
Outdoor Attraction | Fisherman’s Wharf | Fisherman’s Wharf | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Flying Squirrel Trampoline Park | Flying Squirrel | Victoria |
Park | Fort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic Site | Colwood | |
Park | Francis King Regional Park | Francis King Park | Saanich |
Beach | French Beach Provincial Park | Sooke | |
Outdoor Attraction | Galloping Goose Trail | Galloping Goose | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Gobind Farms | Saanichton | |
Park | Goldstream Provincial Park | Langford | |
Beach | Gonzales Beach | Victoria | |
Outdoor Attraction | Government House Gardens | Victoria | |
Indoor Attraction | Government House Tea Room | Government House Tea | Victoria |
Park | Haro Woods | Saanich | |
Park | Hatley Castle Grounds | Hatley Castle | Colwood |
Park | Hatley Park National Historic Site | Hatley Park | Colwood |
Park | Havenwood Park | Colwood | |
Indoor Attraction | Helmcken House | Helmcken House | Victoria |
Park | Heritage Acres | Heritage Acres | Saanichton |
Outdoor Attraction | Horticulture Centre of the Pacific Gardens | HCP Gardens | Saanich |
Indoor Attraction | IMAX Victoria | IMAX Victoria | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Inner Harbour | Inner Harbour | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Inner Harbour Seawall | Inner Harbour | Victoria |
Park | Irving Park | Esquimalt | |
Beach | Island View Beach | Central Saanich | |
Park | John Dean Provincial Park | Central Saanich | |
Park | Jordan River Regional Park | Jordan River Regional Park | Jordan River |
Park | Juan de Fuca Provincial Park | Juan de Fuca Provincial Park | Between Jordan River and Port Renfrew |
Park | Kinsol Trestle Trails | Malahat | |
Park | Koksilah River Provincial Park | Koksilah River Provincial Park | Shawnigan Lake |
Beach | Langford Lake Beach Park | Langford | |
Indoor Attraction | Langford Lanes Bowling | Langford Lanes | Langford |
Park | Lochside Regional Trail | Lochside Trail | Saanich |
Park | Macaulay Point Park | Esquimalt | |
Outdoor Attraction | Malahat Skywalk | Malahat Skywalk | Malahat |
Indoor Attraction | Maritime Museum of British Columbia | Maritime Museum of British Columbia | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Mary Winspear Centre | Mary Winspear Centre | Sidney |
Beach | McNeill Bay | Oak Bay | |
Indoor Attraction | McPherson Playhouse | McPherson Playhouse | Victoria |
Park | Memory Island Provincial Park | Memory Island Provincial Park | Shawnigan Lake |
Beach | Mill Bay Beach | Mill Bay Beach | Mill Bay |
Park | Mill Hill Regional Park | Langford | |
Indoor Attraction | Miniature World | Miniature World | Victoria |
Park | Mount Douglas Park (PKOLS) | Saanich | |
Park | Mount Tolmie Park | Saanich | |
Park | Mount Work Regional Park | Saanich | |
Indoor Attraction | Oak Bay Beach Hotel Spa | Oak Bay Beach Hotel Spa | Oak Bay |
Outdoor Attraction | Ogden Point Breakwater | Victoria | |
Park | Old Mill Park | Old Mill Park | Shawnigan Lake |
Outdoor Attraction | Orca Spirit Adventures | Orca Spirit | Victoria |
Park | Outerbridge Park | Saanich | |
Beach | Parker Beach | Sidney | |
Outdoor Attraction | Parliament Buildings | Victoria | |
Park | Pioneer Park | Central Saanich | |
Indoor Attraction | Point Ellice House Museum & Gardens | Point Ellice House Museum & Gardens | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Quw'utsun' Cultural Centre | Quw'utsun' Cultural Centre | Duncan |
Beach | Roberts Bay | Sidney | |
Outdoor Attraction | Rosemeade Farms | Saanichton | |
Indoor Attraction | Royal BC Museum | Royal BC Museum | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Royal Theatre | Royal Theatre | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Saanichton Farm | Saanichton | |
Beach | Sandcut Beach | Sandcut Beach | Jordan River |
Indoor Attraction | Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre | Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea | Shaw Centre for the Salish Sea | Sidney |
Indoor Attraction | Shaw Ocean Discovery Centre | Shaw Ocean Discovery | Sidney |
Indoor Attraction | Shawnigan Lake Museum | Shawnigan Lake Museum | Shawnigan Lake |
Indoor Attraction | Sidney Museum | Sidney Museum | Sidney |
Outdoor Attraction | Sidney Whale Watching | Sidney Whale Watching | Sidney |
Beach | Sombrio Beach | Sombrio Beach | Near Port Renfrew |
Park | Sooke Potholes Regional Park | Sooke | |
Indoor Attraction | Sooke Region Museum | Sooke Region Museum | Sooke |
Beach | Spiral Beach (Clover Point) | Victoria | |
Indoor Attraction | St. Andrew's Cathedral | St. Andrew's Cathedral | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | St. Ann's Academy | St. Ann's Academy | Victoria |
Park | Swan Lake/Christmas Hill Nature Sanctuary | Saanich | |
Beach | Taylor Beach | Metchosin | |
Indoor Attraction | The Bateman Gallery | The Bateman Gallery | Victoria |
Park | The Gardens at HCP | The Gardens at HCP | Saanich |
Indoor Attraction | The Vic Theatre | The Vic Theatre | Victoria |
Beach | Thetis Lake Beach | Langford | |
Outdoor Attraction | Thunderbird Park | Thunderbird Park | Victoria |
Park | Topaz Park | Victoria | |
Indoor Attraction | T'Sou-ke First Nation Solar Community | T'Sou-ke First Nation Solar Community | Sooke |
Outdoor Attraction | Unsworth Vineyards | Unsworth Vineyards | Mill Bay |
Park | Uplands Park | Oak Bay | |
Indoor Attraction | Victoria Bug Zoo | Victoria Bug Zoo | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Victoria Carriage Tours | Carriage Tours | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Victoria Conservatory of Music | Victoria Conservatory of Music | Victoria |
Outdoor Attraction | Victoria Harbour Ferries | Harbour Ferries | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Victoria Public Market | Victoria Public Market | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | Victoria Symphony | Victoria Symphony | Victoria |
Park | Victoria West Park | Victoria West | |
Beach | Weir’s Beach | Metchosin | |
Park | West Shawnigan Lake Provincial Park | West Shawnigan Lake Provincial Park | Shawnigan Lake |
Indoor Attraction | Westshore Mall Cinemas | Cineplex | Langford |
Park | Whiffin Spit | Sooke | |
Outdoor Attraction | WildPlay Element Parks | WildPlay Victoria | Victoria |
Beach | Willows Beach | Victoria | |
Beach | Witty’s Lagoon | Metchosin | |
Indoor Attraction | YMCA-YWCA Downtown Victoria | Downtown Y | Victoria |
Indoor Attraction | YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island | YMCA-YWCA of Vancouver Island | Victoria |