Victoria and South Vancouver Island Activity Guide

Stuff to Do in Victoria and South Vancouver Island

Victoria, BC CanadaGrowing up in Victoria was like having the ultimate playground right at my doorstep. There was always something to do, somewhere to explore, and I never got tired of playing tourist in my own hometown. From its rich history as BC’s capital to the endless adventures tucked into its forests, beaches, and quirky corners, Victoria is the kind of place that makes you fall in love with it over and over again.

I can still remember riding my bike with my friends down the Galloping Goose Trail, backpacks loaded with snacks, heading to the Inner Harbour to watch the buskers. It felt like we were part of the energy of the city—people juggling flaming torches, musicians filling the air with acoustic sounds, and the salty breeze reminding you the ocean was right there. Those days felt endless.

When summer hit, it was all about Thetis Lake. We’d bike there, find a sunny rock to stretch out on, and spend the day swimming, catching a tan, and daring each other to jump off the cliffs (which felt way higher than they probably were). Thetis was our little slice of paradise, and no matter how many times we went, it never got old.

For the more adventurous days, we’d head further out, biking all the way to Sooke. There were always rumors about cool abandoned spots to check out, like the old ghost town of Leechtown. Exploring those places felt like stepping into another world—dusty remnants of history hidden in the forest, with just enough of a creepy vibe to make it exciting. We didn’t always know what we were looking for, but the fun was in the journey.

Victoria BC, CanadaVictoria itself has this incredible mix of old and new. It’s a city with roots—literally, with all its massive trees and gardens—but it doesn’t take itself too seriously. Sure, it’s the capital of British Columbia, but it’s also a place where you can wander down a street and find yourself in front of a castle (hi, Craigdarroch Castle) or surrounded by peacocks in Beacon Hill Park. It’s got history, but it’s also just a really fun place to be.

Whether you’re here to dive into the local culture, relax on the beaches, or get lost on a trail like I did growing up, Victoria and the South Island have it all. It’s the kind of place where every day feels like an adventure waiting to happen—whether you’re eight years old, riding your bike with your friends, or exploring it as an adult with a fresh perspective. If you’re looking to explore further up island, check out our central Vancouver Island guide here.

And hey, if you’re here visiting, take your camera along. This place is magic, and you’re going to want to capture it. If you need help with that, well… that’s kind of my thing. 😉

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Type of LocationNameWebsiteLocation
Outdoor AttractionAbkhazi GardenAbkhazi GardenVictoria
Outdoor AttractionAdrena LINE Zipline Adventure ToursAdrena LINE ZiplineSooke
BeachAlbert Head BeachColwood
BeachArbutus CoveSaanich
Indoor AttractionArt Gallery of Greater VictoriaArt Gallery of Greater VictoriaVictoria
Outdoor Attraction, Indoor AttractionBC Forest Discovery CentreBC Forest Discovery CentreDuncan
Park, Outdoor AttractionBeacon Hill Park Petting ZooVictoria
Indoor AttractionBear Mountain ResortBear Mountain ResortLangford
Indoor AttractionBelfry TheatreVictoria
BeachBotanical BeachBotanical BeachPort Renfrew
ParkBright Angel ParkDuncan
Indoor AttractionBug ZooVictoria Bug ZooVictoria
ParkButchart GardensButchart GardensCentral Saanich
BeachCadboro Bay BeachSaanich
ParkCedar Hill ParkSaanich
ParkCedar Hill Recreation TrailsSaanich
Indoor AttractionCFB Esquimalt Naval MuseumCFB Naval MuseumEsquimalt
Outdoor AttractionCherry Hill OrchardVictoria
BeachChina BeachSooke
Indoor AttractionChrist Church CathedralVictoria
Outdoor AttractionChurch & State WinesBrentwood Bay
Indoor AttractionChurch of Our LordChurch of Our LordVictoria
Indoor AttractionCineplex Odeon WestshoreLangford
Outdoor AttractionClover Point ParkVictoria
BeachClover Point Tidal PoolsVictoria
ParkColquitz River TrailSaanich
Indoor AttractionCongregation Emanu-ElCongregation Emanu-ElVictoria
BeachCordova Bay BeachSaanich
ParkCowichan River Provincial ParkDuncan
Indoor AttractionCraigdarroch CastleCraigdarroch CastleVictoria
Indoor AttractionCrystal Pool and Fitness CentreCrystal Pool and Fitness CentreVictoria
Outdoor AttractionDallas Road Waterfront TrailDallas Road Waterfront TrailVictoria
Outdoor AttractionDe Vine VineyardsCentral Saanich
Indoor AttractionDominion Astrophysical ObservatoryDominion Astrophysical ObservatorySaanich
Outdoor AttractionDuncan Farmers' MarketDuncan Farmers' MarketDuncan
Outdoor AttractionEagle Wing Whale WatchingEagle WingVictoria
ParkEast Sooke Regional ParkSooke
ParkElk/Beaver Lake Regional ParkSaanich
Indoor AttractionEmily Carr HouseEmily Carr HouseVictoria
Outdoor AttractionEnrico WineryEnrico WineryMill Bay
ParkEsquimalt Gorge ParkEsquimalt
BeachEsquimalt LagoonColwood
Indoor AttractionFairmont Empress HotelFairmont Empress HotelVictoria
Outdoor AttractionFan Tan Alley China TownVictoria
Outdoor AttractionFirbank FarmsSaanichton
Outdoor AttractionFisherman’s WharfFisherman’s WharfVictoria
Indoor AttractionFlying Squirrel Trampoline ParkFlying SquirrelVictoria
ParkFort Rodd Hill and Fisgard Lighthouse National Historic SiteColwood
ParkFrancis King Regional ParkFrancis King ParkSaanich
BeachFrench Beach Provincial ParkSooke
Outdoor AttractionGalloping Goose TrailGalloping GooseVictoria
Outdoor AttractionGobind FarmsSaanichton
ParkGoldstream Provincial ParkLangford
BeachGonzales BeachVictoria
Outdoor AttractionGovernment House GardensVictoria
Indoor AttractionGovernment House Tea RoomGovernment House TeaVictoria
ParkHaro WoodsSaanich
ParkHatley Castle GroundsHatley CastleColwood
ParkHatley Park National Historic SiteHatley ParkColwood
ParkHavenwood ParkColwood
Indoor AttractionHelmcken HouseHelmcken HouseVictoria
ParkHeritage AcresHeritage AcresSaanichton
Outdoor AttractionHorticulture Centre of the Pacific GardensHCP GardensSaanich
Indoor AttractionIMAX VictoriaIMAX VictoriaVictoria
Outdoor AttractionInner HarbourInner HarbourVictoria
Outdoor AttractionInner Harbour SeawallInner HarbourVictoria
ParkIrving ParkEsquimalt
BeachIsland View BeachCentral Saanich
ParkJohn Dean Provincial ParkCentral Saanich
ParkJordan River Regional ParkJordan River Regional ParkJordan River
ParkJuan de Fuca Provincial ParkJuan de Fuca Provincial ParkBetween Jordan River and Port Renfrew
ParkKinsol Trestle TrailsMalahat
ParkKoksilah River Provincial ParkKoksilah River Provincial ParkShawnigan Lake
BeachLangford Lake Beach ParkLangford
Indoor AttractionLangford Lanes BowlingLangford LanesLangford
ParkLochside Regional TrailLochside TrailSaanich
ParkMacaulay Point ParkEsquimalt
Outdoor AttractionMalahat SkywalkMalahat SkywalkMalahat
Indoor AttractionMaritime Museum of British ColumbiaMaritime Museum of British ColumbiaVictoria
Indoor AttractionMary Winspear CentreMary Winspear CentreSidney
BeachMcNeill BayOak Bay
Indoor AttractionMcPherson PlayhouseMcPherson PlayhouseVictoria
ParkMemory Island Provincial ParkMemory Island Provincial ParkShawnigan Lake
BeachMill Bay BeachMill Bay BeachMill Bay
ParkMill Hill Regional ParkLangford
Indoor AttractionMiniature WorldMiniature WorldVictoria
ParkMount Douglas Park (PKOLS)Saanich
ParkMount Tolmie ParkSaanich
ParkMount Work Regional ParkSaanich
Indoor AttractionOak Bay Beach Hotel SpaOak Bay Beach Hotel SpaOak Bay
Outdoor AttractionOgden Point BreakwaterVictoria
ParkOld Mill ParkOld Mill ParkShawnigan Lake
Outdoor AttractionOrca Spirit AdventuresOrca SpiritVictoria
ParkOuterbridge ParkSaanich
BeachParker BeachSidney
Outdoor AttractionParliament BuildingsVictoria
ParkPioneer ParkCentral Saanich
Indoor AttractionPoint Ellice House Museum & GardensPoint Ellice House Museum & GardensVictoria
Indoor AttractionQuw'utsun' Cultural CentreQuw'utsun' Cultural CentreDuncan
BeachRoberts BaySidney
Outdoor AttractionRosemeade FarmsSaanichton
Indoor AttractionRoyal BC MuseumRoyal BC MuseumVictoria
Indoor AttractionRoyal TheatreRoyal TheatreVictoria
Outdoor AttractionSaanichton FarmSaanichton
BeachSandcut BeachSandcut BeachJordan River
Indoor AttractionSave-On-Foods Memorial CentreSave-On-Foods Memorial CentreVictoria
Indoor AttractionShaw Centre for the Salish SeaShaw Centre for the Salish SeaSidney
Indoor AttractionShaw Ocean Discovery CentreShaw Ocean DiscoverySidney
Indoor AttractionShawnigan Lake MuseumShawnigan Lake MuseumShawnigan Lake
Indoor AttractionSidney MuseumSidney MuseumSidney
Outdoor AttractionSidney Whale WatchingSidney Whale WatchingSidney
BeachSombrio BeachSombrio BeachNear Port Renfrew
ParkSooke Potholes Regional ParkSooke
Indoor AttractionSooke Region MuseumSooke Region MuseumSooke
BeachSpiral Beach (Clover Point)Victoria
Indoor AttractionSt. Andrew's CathedralSt. Andrew's CathedralVictoria
Indoor AttractionSt. Ann's AcademySt. Ann's AcademyVictoria
ParkSwan Lake/Christmas Hill Nature SanctuarySaanich
BeachTaylor BeachMetchosin
Indoor AttractionThe Bateman GalleryThe Bateman GalleryVictoria
ParkThe Gardens at HCPThe Gardens at HCPSaanich
Indoor AttractionThe Vic TheatreThe Vic TheatreVictoria
BeachThetis Lake BeachLangford
Outdoor AttractionThunderbird ParkThunderbird ParkVictoria
ParkTopaz ParkVictoria
Indoor AttractionT'Sou-ke First Nation Solar CommunityT'Sou-ke First Nation Solar CommunitySooke
Outdoor AttractionUnsworth VineyardsUnsworth VineyardsMill Bay
ParkUplands ParkOak Bay
Indoor AttractionVictoria Bug ZooVictoria Bug ZooVictoria
Outdoor AttractionVictoria Carriage ToursCarriage ToursVictoria
Indoor AttractionVictoria Conservatory of MusicVictoria Conservatory of MusicVictoria
Outdoor AttractionVictoria Harbour FerriesHarbour FerriesVictoria
Indoor AttractionVictoria Public MarketVictoria Public MarketVictoria
Indoor AttractionVictoria SymphonyVictoria SymphonyVictoria
ParkVictoria West ParkVictoria West
BeachWeir’s BeachMetchosin
ParkWest Shawnigan Lake Provincial ParkWest Shawnigan Lake Provincial ParkShawnigan Lake
Indoor AttractionWestshore Mall CinemasCineplexLangford
ParkWhiffin SpitSooke
Outdoor AttractionWildPlay Element ParksWildPlay VictoriaVictoria
BeachWillows BeachVictoria
BeachWitty’s LagoonMetchosin
Indoor AttractionYMCA-YWCA Downtown VictoriaDowntown YVictoria
Indoor AttractionYMCA-YWCA of Vancouver IslandYMCA-YWCA of Vancouver IslandVictoria
Tags: British Columbia, Planning Tips and Guides, Vancouver Island

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